I Knit London Tweets

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

News, PIt Bar and charity knitting

News just in.....we've confirmed our next club night for knitters - on Sunday 3rd December we'll be meeting in the glorious Old Vic Theatre Pit Bar, The Cut, Waterloo. Following on from last month's inaugural knitting night at The George Tavern, we are hoping for bigger and better things - live music courtesy of singer-songwriter Jodie Paxton playing her own tunes and classic standards on the grand piano, a blistering DJ set from the always magical Shellac Sisters (don't miss 'em this time round, their wind-up gramophones are a joy to behold) and some dodgy cheese from the IKL DJs (or maybe just our iPods...). Do come along, knitter or not. As well as all the above there's drinking and dancing, cakes and knitting from 6pm til midnight. It's our second IKL night and we aim to hold a similar night on the first Sunday of each month. We'll keep posting updates here and, of course, the official website (link on the right).

It's a bit slow here at work today, David Schwimmer and Simon Pegg are filming outside on the river bank but can't spot any stars so came back inside and fiddled with the blog somewhat. I've added some more links down the right for some our favourite knitting sites and blogs, plus some non-knitters that we like. There's also a new list of charity knitting projects - the success of the Knit A River campaign has proved that knitting can make a difference, raise awareness and create change, however small. If you've been inspired to knit blue squares perhaps you'd also be inclined to use your needles for good with one of the other projects listed. There are so many charity knitters out there we'll add more as we go along.

Most of the posts below should have photos attached, so if you've been reading and it doesn't quite make sense without a pic then bear with us. I'm having no luck at all posting pictures from the Retro Bar Halloween party and the last I Knit London meeting in Pitcher & Piano.....frustrated but determined to get them up!


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