I Knit London Tweets

Thursday, January 04, 2007

drink anyone?

Of water obviously! It is January, after all, and I for one am having a little rest after the new year celebrations. Oh but what about the knitting at the pub club....oh well, I'll tackle that when I have to. Maybe just one glass of wine...or two just to be social.

Actually to make it even harder we now have a drinks licence for the shop so, party on I guess. We now sell wine by the glass and beer, at very reasonable prices, obviously!

sewn a bit more of the river together, if anyone remembers the size of it when it was taken to Jubilee Gardens then now it's more than twice that length!

Below are some squares that were sent in as you see them from Shirley and her family in Cwmbran. Be sure to click on the picture as each square is a work of art. Shirley sent the blanket in weeks ago. I have taken so long to take a picture and post it as (I didn't have my very own camera until Christmas day!) it has been lovingly cared for by the staff at WaterAid where it has been on display in the office.

Thank you Shirley, it's gorgeous and we love it. It's amazing. People in the shop said we should frame it but it was made for the river and it's going in the river.
Have I mentioned the river will be used mid Febuary in a stunt in central London?

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