I Knit London Tweets

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

we are the 'elite'

The Times listed us as one of the best things to do tonight. They called us London's elite!

Does this mean that we are the biggest and the most briliantest and the bestest knitting group in the whole wide world and the universe?

Nah, it just means that we're great! Being in the newspaper is great but it's not really validation we need, is it? I always knew you were the elite. I say this a lot, the knitting groups are only great because of the people who come. It's great to hear you all chattering away and showing off your knitting and getting excited about other people's knitting.

One of my favorite things about working in the shop is regulars to the group who come in looking for something they can't quite find and they ask for help - "there was a woman in here the other night night and she was knitting the most beautiful shawl out of sock yarn and I can't stop thinking about it so I want to make one."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic - way to go! Hope to see you next week. sairzey