I Knit London Tweets

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I was sitting by our knitting stall in the East End of London on Sunday, happily knitting away with the big needles and plastic bags when who should approach with an enquiring mind but Alexander McQueen.
Now, I don't know if he's a knitter (whaddya think?) but I remained chatty and aloof - I was only knitting a large plastic bag sheet to hang at the back of the stall for a bit of colour, but if he's got knitted carrier bags in his next collection I'm gonna sue!



Elizabeth said...

oh wow- that plastic bag thing is neat looking. How big did you make it?-E

Gerard said...

Thanks! You can use any plastic grocery bags (but avoid the really thin ones, they'll snap) - depending on your needle size you need to cut the bag into one long strip of 'yarn' starting at the top and working around and down. The smaller the needles the thinner you can make the strips. Then just knit away, joining the yarn as you would. There's a neat pattern on our website for a fruit bowl from plastic bags (www.iknit.org.uk/patterns.html) and it's easy to use different store bags to combine colours and effects. Good luck!