I Knit London Tweets

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Street (sign) crime...

Vandals, I hate them! We have neglected our bright yellow street sign over the past few months, leaving it languishing out on South Lambeth Road while we get all cosy in the warmth. Whilst away over Christmas and New Year we left it attached to the lamp-post at the end of the road - only to return to find an attack had taken place! Now here it lies, battered and bruised, with a screw or two missing and twisted limbs. Gory. It's managed to hang onto it's moorings so they didn't get away with it completely (unlike it's predecessor which disappeared overnight early last year) but it's seen better days. I don't know, there's no respect for other people's property these days is there?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I hope my husband or and sister can still find the shop now! They are both in London next week and I am dropping BIG hints for them to visit your shop and bring me back presents.

Sorry about the sign by the way. Society today?