This is a picture of what I thought would be the cause of my death this Christmas. After a very relaxing Christmas, although my plan of sitting in front of the TV all Christmas was almost foiled by the crap that was on offer, we ventured into central London. We found ourselves in Leicester Square with a idea about seeing a film but we came upon a mini fair ground.
The fair is there very year and gets bigger each time. We decided to go on one ride. The ride had no queue (which later attributed that to the fact that it cost £5).
I've no idea what it is called but it looked great fun. It wasn't for me but Craig loved it. I just swore a lot. It was like a big spinning scales type of thing with 4 people at either end and naturally in order for 4 of those people to exit/enter the other 4 people had to sit a the top waiting. We were lucky as we only had this experience at the end of the ride but by that time I was actually shaking and I hink I even prayed! I've no idea how high it was but it was just higher than all the building in Leicester Square.
It took a while before my legs stopped quivering. I used to love going to the fair. I can't believe I got so scared, I'm getting old! I'll probably moan about the noise of the fire works on new years eve!
The views of London were amazing though, particulary as I spun upside down at the top end of the cycle.
As I said I just swore a great deal.

We also visited a couple of music shops and we saw the second single from 586. I went to college with Deborah, the lead singer and we've been close friends since, If you haven't alreadyget the record, Money is the drug, now, you can even download it from iTunes!

The shop was quiet yesterday, apart from the noise of the sewing machine - the river is almost twice the size it was when we took it to Jubilee Gardens. There are still thousands to sew together and we are using it in a stunt in central London in Febuary so the pressure is on.

This is from a school in Darlington. If it's not obvious, this role contains over a thousand squares, they very kindly sewed the squares into blankets which made it very easy for me to produce what you see above.
I got a camera for Chritmas, can you tell. From Craig, isn't he lovely.