So, plans have been decided for our official contribution to National Knitting Week. Whilst we toyed with many ideas we have eventually decided that there can only really be one event that we should plan for - Knit A River. The campaign has taken us all by surprise and with such a huge and varied response from so many thousands of knitters it's only right that we can mark the start of National Knitting Week with the first official outing of the river (so far!)
We have permission to use Jubilee Gardens (the open space directly next to the London Eye on London's South Bank) for our planned event - we are asking for as many knitters, crocheters and sewers (that's people who sew!) to join I Knit London and WaterAid on Saturday 14th October for a mass open-air knit between 11am and 1pm. It's blue squares a gogo and we need those who can knit and those willing to crochet/sew the squares to the river so that it grows before our eyes. The challenge is on for knitters to come together in one place and really make a difference....
The river is fast becoming a symbol of the knitting community across the globe, with stories of first time knitters picking up needles, to accomplished crocheters creating unique designs for their ripple in the ever growing river. Please continue to spread the word, send us your stories and photos. From the man who hadn't knit since he was at school 46 years ago, to the lady who produced over 100 squares in a day we continue to be amazed by the encouragement and the support from everyone who contributes.
Thanks to everyone so far who have put the word "WaterAid" and their work into the hearts and minds of so many more people and for showing that creativity and passion can be a genuine force for change. Keep those squares coming, and let's make 14th October a spectacular BLUE day!
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