Here's a selection of pics of current works-in-progress from tonight's group, just to prove that we do get some knitting done in between the drinking and the blathering.
Chris - bloody impressed by this! Yeah, so there's a few holes (a bit of character) but I remember teaching you your first few rows at the Duke of Argyll a few meetings back....look at him go! Aww, I'm so proud.
Also, in a packed programme tonight...
Honeymoon bolero jackets (in black?)...
Finger knitting...
and profound conversations about the fabric of the universe, Halloween costumes loaded with maggots, conjugated verbs, 'to showjump or not to showjump?', Lordi and chocolate money.
Thank you knitters, you are all gorgeous. We're off to Rotterdam on Friday morning for some official Dutch Stitching 'n' Bitching so boys' night on Friday will be in the capable hands of Stefan, Jon, Tom, Eamonn and assorted men who knit. We'll be back on Sunday with lovely Dutch photos and stories from Holland. Meanwhile there are some new pics up on our MySpace group page (click the 'chat to us....blah blah blah' on the top of our right hand column to see them).
PS I HATE Blogger. Three pics and it won't do anymore. What's that about? Frustrating to say the least.
Have a fabulous time in Rotterdam and say hello to miriam for me! I'm in wild and wet Cardiff and have loads of Knit a River flyers to hand out
The shroud, or maybe cowl, got finished just over two weeks after that Wednesday meeting. I ought to have saved it for a photo, but the person it was intended for liked it enough to want to wear it There And Then. I shall just have to make another one, I suppose. Any takers for a cowl designed by a friar?!!!
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