Another Friday night, another Men Who Knit night at I Knit London. The boys' knitting night goes from strength to strength with more men converted and more red wine drunk. Eamon completed his first project and set off into the night armed with more balls for his second one, Tom's scarf grows and grows and grows and looks like it may never stop! We have such a good laugh and the 'fishbowl' effect provided by the large windows in the shop has never been more aptly used than when the place is full of boys with their pins out. When Gerard and I first started out on this knitting adventure we really didn't think being men who knit was such a big deal, but after causing quite a stir at Spitalfields it soon became obvious that there are those out there who just don't get it, and that there's a whole swathe of society quietly clicking away in the privacy of their own homes too ashamed to admit to it....OK, that's a bit dramatic, but there's some truth in the adage that some parts of the community are quite cliquey and just not that open to a bit of male knit and purl. So, thanks to all the guys who've been down to knit with us the past few Fridays, and a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to join us in future. Every Friday is dedicated to men who knit. Bring some booze, some cakes, your iPod and join us.
Just before that all comes over a bit masculinist (?) we, of course, also welcome the ladies at any fact there was a lady amongst us last night. Just a disclaimer, lest you thought we were femophobes. Am I making these words up? Anyhow, we have enough meetings in the shop, the pub, the Old Vic Pit Bar etc that whoever you are, whatever your persuasion, whether you knit or purl you're welcome anytime.
Talking of which, that leads me neatly on to this brilliant headline form yesterday's London Paper. It's a really disturbing story, and reported with the usual stereotypical tabloid undercurrents, not least the fact that Martina isn't just a "tennis star", she's a "lesbian tennis star". Ah well, it's the 21st century after all, things haven't changed that much. I'm more intrigued by trying to get hold of some gay rams' wool, I'm sure it just knits up into something fabulous.
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