I Knit London Tweets

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Christmas competition and knitting burqas

It's Chriiiiiistmas! (as big sideburned 70s Noddy Holder used to say). Nearly. I Knit London was just an embryonic glimmer in the mind of Gerard this time last year, so our first Christmas is to be celebrated. I'm sure we're planning a party round at Bonnington Square (and now we have a very retro plug in radiator it's oh so cosy) sometime soon, but we need to decorate. We haven't got any decorations. We might knit some. Actually, why not ask the world's knitters to knit some too and give them a prize for the best ones? And so, IKL's Christmas Knitting Competition is created - if you've got some lovely Lurex yarn or even tinsel lying around then why not knit us a decoration for our tree? Send them in or drop them off at IKL and we''l hang them on our tree - all those received by 20th December will be entered into the competition and we'll have a judging panel to choose the best. What do you get from it...? Well, your creation will hang in the swanky IKL shop over Christmas and if you win you get a pair of Lantern Moon needles - size, wood of your choice. LM needles are handmade from ebony, rosewood, blonde wood and coconut palmwood and they are the ultimate in gorgeousness. Go for your life - new knitter or old hand, the most special will win, not neccessarily the most accomplished.

Just wanted to post a pic of Tom's never-ending scarf. Good on yer lad! Keep going....Tom is an IKL regular who's determined to make a six hank Colinette Point 5 scarf, which is rapidly turning into a complete burqa in Welsh wool. It's fabulous Tom. Each meeting is always a revelation...but what about the hat to match next time?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rosewood needles - I bought my first pair from I Knit, and have been thoroughly converted since then...