I Knit London Tweets

Thursday, September 28, 2006

SNB visits I Knit London

A big hello and thanks to all the girls who came in tonight from a Stitch n Bitch group (sorry, I didnt get where you meet up?). It was great to see the sanctuary full of knitters (and an origami-er whatever, we welcome all crafty folk here). As a memory test I want to say hello to everyone who came tonight so here goes....Alex, Emerald, Toni, Jan, Bea, Hannah, Zoe, Julia, Nell and not forgetting Gea our 'DJ' for the night. Crikey, I hope I didn't forget anyone, it could be embarrassing to say the least, and if I spelt any names wrong let me know and I'll correct it. Only wish I'd taken a photo of you all for this blog. I hope you had a great time over at the Bonnington Cafe and that we see you in the pub soon....

I had a weekend off from London (but not from knitting) whilst I popped up to Carlisle (my home place) for my niece's christening. The garter stitch jacket I'm attempting is coming along nicely but perhaps hoping to have it finished by Sunday was a bit optimistic! I blame the fact I've had other stuff on my mind over the last few weeks (shop openings and the like). Carlisle proved to be a haven for vintage knitting patterns and I managed to buy about 400 in various charity shops about the place on Saturday afternoon. They'll be added to the I Knit pattern library for all retro-minded knitters to pore over. Plus my mum (who taught me to knit over 20 years ago before I became a boy and got into more adventurous and interesting pastimes like trainspotting) showed me a thing or two about fixing my mistakes and brought out her old knitting for Action Man patterns. Ahhh...I remember it well, when she'd come to our playroom with her latest creation and we'd dress up our Action Men in knitted uniforms and camouflage jackets. It fair sent a young boy's heart a-racing. How it came as such a shock to her 20 years later I'll never know.

Got off the point there. Cassie (the gorgeous niece and now godchild) is just mega cute in an angelic way and I just don't hold with the idea that ALL babies are cute - but she is 110%! Mam's already knit her an entire wardrobe but I'm committed to at least finish this jacket before I move onto something for myself. Getting adventurous (again) and may attempt a jumper for the winter...

The train journey up North was made bearable by meeting someone who I managed to have a conversation with in sign language for almost 3 hours! Now, it might not seem much, but since I passed my BSL level 2 exam over a year ago I haven't really used it at all. I was amazed how quickly it all came back and managed a complete conversation with a total stranger without having to write anything down. I must admit, I think he was being kind and nodding quite a bit when he had not a clue what I was on about! Hey Joel, if you're reading this...how's about a film about our knitting group...and do you know any deaf knitters??

We'll see some knitters at this Saturday's Autumn Fayre (see News page on the website) which is now being opened by Gandalf himself. If he ain't wearing an I Knit London badge by the time he leaves I would think we'd failed in our duty to spread the knitting germ...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig!

I had a brilliant time in the shop on Thursday night. Thanks so much for giving us the space, and for the cup of tea! I think you'll probably be seeing more of me and the rest of our group in future...

We don't have a regular "meet", we organise our craftings over the u75.org message boards, normally at someone's house, but the trip out into the big wide world made a great change.
