I Knit London Tweets

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I've got a loverly bunch of.....

Yesterday was St George's day of course, and we English, being very restrained and stiff upper lipped as we are don't really seem to celebrate it the way our Irish cousins do. It's almost as if we're ashamed of ourselves somehow! Anyway, about 4500 of us packed into Trafalgar Square last night to break the world record for the largest coconut orchestra - New York held the record but London tripled that! Led by Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam and the cast of Spamalot (including cuddly SRB) the square was crammed with coconuts playing Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. I especially liked the fact that someone had written in each coconut (that's about 8000!) the letter 'L' and 'R' just so we all knew what we were doing! trust the English to break the silliest world record imaginable. But we were all very proud of ourselves and it was a laugh and no mistake.

Ha ha. It was brilliant. Afterwards we celebrated with a Thai Curry!

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